Postpartum Emotions Webinar

Preparing your mind and marriage for postpartum

It is possible to enjoy the newborn phase.

The postpartum period can be exhausting and overwhelming,

but it doesn’t have to be. 


There is another way.  

You can enjoy your baby & have a peaceful postpartum.

The Peaceful Postpartum online course will equip you and your spouse with

everything you need to thrive in the postpartum season.

Buy the Course

 Are you feeling? 


You find yourself wondering if the postpartum season is really as hard as they say. You're unsure if you can handle it. You feel a mix of anxiety & excitement.


You lay awake at night wondering if you and your partner will be able to figure this whole parenting thing out. Will you be able to take care of the baby and yourselves?


You've taken so many classes but you wonder if you are actually ready for the postpartum period. Do you know what to expect? Have you done enough to prepare?


The Peaceful Postpartum Program 

will help you and your partner:


Meet baby's needs without burning yourself out. 


Work together as a team.


Practice holistic self-care. 

Replace your postpartum fears...

With a proven plan for postpartum peace!

New parents often feel too depleted and exhausted to figure out postpartum self care or how to navigate their ever fluctuating emotions and new roles. 

Don’t waste those precious first days playing a guessing game. Instead, feel empowered knowing you’ve got a proven plan and all the resources & support you need to achieve postpartum peace. 

After taking the Peaceful Postpartum course, you’ll have practical solutions for each stage of the pregnancy and postpartum journey. Instead of trying to figure it out on your own, you’ll have a pre-assembled support team by your side. 

Having a clear postpartum plan will: 

  • Lighten your mental load so you can soak up newborn snuggles.
  • Improve communication with your partner and support team. 
  • Protect your marriage from unnecessary conflict. 
  • Prepare you to thrive during this demanding, yet beautiful season.


This is for you if you...


Would like to be pregnant in the future.


Are currently pregnant with your first child. 


Previously had a bad postpartum experience. 


Are in the postpartum period and feeling overwhelmed.




This is what you will get:

Postpartum Roadmap

Identify your stage of the journey toward & through postpartum so you know what to focus on next. Whether you're in between pregnancies, currently pregnant or in postpartum right now, you will have a roadmap to light your way!

Holistic Approach

A holistic & faith-based approach to the postpartum experience will shed insight on your emotional roller coaster.  Identify signs & learn how to advocate for your mental, physical & spiritual health.  Your health is foundational to care for baby!

Self-Care & Support

Set-up a peaceful HOME where you can thrive, nourish your HEALTH, care for your HEART and rally the right people to HELP.  With these 4 pillars of postpartum stability, you will be prepared for a wonderful new chapter to enjoy baby!

Support for Dads

Taught by Amber's amazing husband, Nate, this module contains what every wife wishes her husband knew before postpartum.  Men, you will learn the tools, tips & tricks to support your family in ways you dream of, while also learning how to advocate for your own needs.

When you're Struggling

Amber addresses the top most common problems for postpartum parents and gives practical advice on what to do when you're struggling with sleep, breastfeeding, mental health or just not feeling like yourself.  This trouble-shooting module is full of solutions & encouragement! 

Amber's Video Diary

Walk with Amber daily through the first 4 weeks of her 4th postpartum experience with their youngest son.  In these video diary entries, you get an up close & personal inside look at what postpartum is actually like- full of emotional highs & lows.  It's real & raw.

Can you do it alone?

It takes a village.

The saying is true, it takes a village to raise a child and you need that village from day one. Unfortunately, not all of us have villages to support us.  In module 3, you'll learn the 5 key people to communicate with before baby arrives.  

The Peaceful Postpartum group chat is also a safe space to come with all your questions and worries to get support from Amber, Nate and other couples who get it.  Whether you're currently pregnancy or in postpartum, you will benefit from connecting with others in the same season!

You're allowed to engage with the community in your PJs, with tired eyes and hair that hasn’t been washed for a few days. We don’t mind if babies cry or you need to nurse mid-chat. In fact, we welcome it. All of it. This is a community where you can be real, raw, and vulnerable. 

Some days, newborn life is hard. Knowing you don’t have to figure it out alone makes those days manageable. Don’t try to walk through this season alone. Join Peaceful Postpartum and find the community you need to flourish during your baby’s first months.

I need support


Get Started Now

One-Time Payment


Save $24 by Paying in Full

  • 5 Teaching Modules 
  • Postpartum Plan Template
  • Amber's Postpartum Video Diary for Weeks 1-4
  • Nate's Lessons specifically for Preparing Dads
  • Top Recommendations for Resources & Referrals
  • Postpartum Roadmap so you know what to focus on next
  • Practical & Faith-based
  • Community Support through our app 

3 Monthly Payments of


Instant Access & Includes

  • 5 Teaching Modules 
  • Postpartum Plan Template
  • Amber's Postpartum Video Diary for Weeks 1-4
  • Nate's Lessons specifically for Preparing Dads
  • Top Recommendations for Resources & Referrals
  • Postpartum Roadmap so you know what to focus on next
  • Practical & Faith-based
  • Community Support through our app 
Buy as a GIFT

Life before this course

You may feel...

  • Overwhelmed by long, sleepless nights that you have no idea how to handle.
  • Uncertainty about how to meet your baby’s needs without going crazy.
  • Lonely slogging through this hard season on your own, unsure who to reach out to.

Life after this course

You will feel...

  • Confident you have a proven plan for the postpartum period.
  • Supported by your pre-assembled care team.
  • Prepared with your holistic tool chest, filled with everything you need to care for your whole self.


Listen to what our students are saying

With my first child, I didn’t think much about planning for the postpartum period. As a result, that first year felt more like a beating than a blessing. When I found out I was pregnant with our second, I knew I wanted to do things differently. Amber’s guidance helped us live a completely different postpartum life. This time, we got to enjoy our little one instead of drowning in stress and overwhelm.

Vanessa R. 

Working Mom of 2

I had walked through a season of loss prior to having our baby boy and I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed. I wanted to be free from anxiety, soaking up every minute of motherhood. Working with Amber helped me feel more peaceful and be more present as a wife and mother.

Breanna O.

Stay-at-Home Mom

When I met Amber, I was pregnant with my third. My first two postpartum seasons were really hard for me emotionally, and on our marriage. Working with Amber I learned to have compassion for myself, communicate my needs and set realistic expectations for the postpartum season. My husband and I coined this as my postpartum do over because I can genuinely say that I enjoyed this third postpartum season. Although I wish that I had met Amber prior to having my first baby, I am thankful that this resource exists for me and other moms.

Emily B.

Business Owner & Mom of 3


Savor the memories.  Not the stress.

We're Nate & Amber Todd.

As parents of 4 kids, we get it!  Our first postpartum experience was a struggle.  We had no idea what to expect as new parents and we both felt overwhelmed & alone. The second was even harder. However, by the time we got to baby number four, we had learned valuable tools and mindset shifts that allowed us to actually enjoy the newborn phase. 

In this course we share everything we learned through our own personal experiences. You’ll also get Amber's valuable insight gained from working as a christian counselor out of the Holy Family Birth Center and collaborating with OBs & midwives. 

Since most resources and courses overlook dad's needs and struggles, Nate's guidance specifically for dads will be invaluable for your partner and your marriage. Together, we equip you with everything we wish we would have known before our first baby.  

You weren't meant to parent alone. Let us guide you so you can fully support each other and soak up this sacred time with your baby.


Buy the Course

Do dads really need support?

Yes, dads matter.

Most prenatal classes focus solely on mom and baby, leaving dad wondering how to fulfill his new role.

One of the keys to thriving during the fourth trimester is through working together as a team. However, many new dads aren’t sure how to help. They too are going through big changes, enduring long nights, and watching their wives struggle through events they can’t fix or change.

That is why Nate, a dad of four with a heart for guiding men through transformation, shares everything new dads need to feel included, supported, and equipped during their baby’s first few months home. Nate will teach dads:

  • How to know what their wife needs.
  • How to advocate for your own needs.
  • How to care for your family during all the changes.


Buy the Course

Dr. Chris Stroud, OBGYN

Endorsement for Peaceful Postpartum

Buy Peaceful Postpartum

Zero Risk

Want to try it first?  We believe so deeply that this course is life-changing and will equip you with the tools you need to thrive in the postpartum period, that it comes with a 7-day money back guarantee.  If you get started and feel like it's not the best fit, then just let us know within 7 days and we will refund your money 100%.  


Here's two more amazing bonuses for you!

Meditation in Postpartum

New to meditation?  It is an incredible tool to calm your mind & spirit.  In this bonus, Nate will teach you how to prepare your heart and integrate breath work to get the most of the experience.  Then you will have access to audio meditations he has recorded just for you!

Chiropractic/Acupuncture Guide 

Chiropractic care is a powerful tool to support your body before & after birth.  You only have a specific amount of time to set back into alignment.  Dr. Jena Snyder shares how acupuncture can also be used to help a mom heal, balance hormones & reduce stress/anxiety.  

Frequently Asked Questions


Get Started Now

One-Time Payment


Save $24 by Paying in Full

  • 5 Teaching Modules 
  • Postpartum Plan Template
  • Amber's Postpartum Video Diary for Weeks 1-4
  • Nate's Lessons specifically for Preparing Dads
  • Top Recommendations for Resources & Referrals
  • Postpartum Roadmap so you know what to focus on next
  • Practical & Faith-based
  • Monthly group zoom call with Amber & Nate 

3 Monthly Payments of


Instant Access & Includes

  • 5 Teaching Modules 
  • Postpartum Plan Template
  • Amber's Postpartum Video Diary for Weeks 1-4
  • Nate's Lessons specifically for Preparing Dads
  • Top Recommendations for Resources & Referrals
  • Postpartum Roadmap so you know what to focus on next
  • Practical & Faith-based
  • Monthly group zoom call with Amber & Nate
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Not sure yet?  Download the free Postpartum Planning Guide to get started

How to plan for a Peaceful Postpartum & Identify Mental Health Risk Factors